Insurance Requirements


The Town of Lewiston insurance requirements are as follows:


1.      Liability Insurance requirements:


General Liability - $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate.


The Town of Lewiston must be listed as Additional Insured.  


2.      Worker's Compensation*:


Form # C-105.2 (9/17)** or U-26.3


The Accord form is NOT acceptable.


3.      New York State Disability*:


                Form # DB-120.1 (12/21)** with "effective period" beginning and ending dates.


                The Accord form is NOT acceptable.


*If you are not required to carry Worker's Compensation or Disability, you must complete and return form WC/DB-100 or WC/DB-101 (9/07)**.


** Earlier-dated versions of the form are obsolete and are no longer accepted as per the NYS Worker's Compensation Board.


A Building Permit will NOT be issued until these forms are received.

Workers Comp Exemption Link



If you're doing your own work you must bring in your homeowner's policy with personal liability displayed, and the Worker's Comp Exemption that applies to you-- click on the link below for instructions.

Request for WC/DB Exemption (Form CE-200) link:

For Homeowners working themselves

For Homeowners as a Business

Insurance Policy Requirements for Homeowners Building Their Own Home or Addition:

ADDITIONS:        Homeowners policy with $500,000 Personal Liability for estimated cost of construction over $15,000 or $300,000 Personal Liability for estimated cost of construction $5,000 - $14,999 AND Workers Comp. and NYS Disability or waiver


DWELLING:         General Liability with $500,000 combined single limit including the Town of Lewiston as Additional Insured—has to be approved by Town Insurance Agent AND Workers Comp. and NYS Disability, or WAIVER.